Maybe I am just being weird tonight. Not sure. But my life has been crap. I try to do the right thing. I try to help whenever I can. But nothing ever seems to go right for me. My son and my granddaughter are the light of my life, but everything else seems to be dark. Nothing goes right. Why? I hate this. I am being terrorized by my neighbor, but nothing is being done about it. I did nothing to deserve this. I haven't had a full night sleep in weeks. I just don't get it. Maybe I am over-reacting. Don't think so, but still, it takes its toll. Sigh. Guess I just have to grin and bare it.
It has been a strange day, weather wise. Woke up to pouring rain, then beautiful sunshine, the pouring rain again. Weird. I am really missing Mumbushi this week. Loved that little guy. FB is getting a little weird. We had a really nice group, then it grew. In some ways it is a little better, in some ways, I liked the group we had. Can you tell I don't like change too much? I think I am just feeling too sentimental tonight. Missing all my babies and can't wait to see them. Mumbushi was only with us a short time, but he touched a lot of lives. I am so sorry I never got to meet him. Oh, Lord, the tears are starting. A little upset tonight. Maybe I am being a little petty, but I don't care. My son's girlfriend's family want to throw a birthday party for him tomorrow. This is great. However, for his birthday, he borrowed my car to go to a wedding, and stayed there overnight. Just cam...