New year's eve. All I can hope is this year is better than last year. Kayla's leg is not doing very well. I have a feeling it might be a sprain. Nothing we can do. She is getting pain medication, but it doesn't seem to be helping too much. Poor darling. I hate seeing her in pain. Too all my friends, I wish them love, happiness, health and peace. All the best for the new year. Let this be the year change happens big time. We can no longer sustain the human race at the pace we are going. Not going to get into a long winded speech. I just wish the best for everything in 2013. TTFN. Love to all.
Showing posts from 2012
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Have had a wonderful Christmas. Lovely people, good food. Good news. Hopefully I will become a grandma in the next year. Kayla is not doing great. Needs surgery to remove the lump under her armpit. That's going to cost a small fortune. But it has to be done. Can't let her keep suffering. Other than that, not a lot going on. Gosh, I wish I could win the lottery, just a small portion of it. Anyhow, my friends. I wish you all the best for 2013. May you all be happy, healthy, and prosperous. Keep on keeping on. Love to you all. TTFN.
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Wow, almost December. Where did the time go. Christmas is upon us again. Haven't been very active. Between my neighbor next door, who keeps screaming obscenities at all hours of the day and night, and my neighbor upstairs, I think I will be the one to end up in the loony bin. The one upstairs has convinced himself that, since he wasn't able to stop the construction of the new arena, which is right outside our door, his depression is excusable. Give me a break. I was sympathetic for a little while, but after 8 months, I have had it. Now he has turned into a hypochondriac. Every couple of days, he heads off to emergency with a new ailment. No more enabling. This is the end. Now he is convinced he has aids because he slept with someone over 20 years ago. Sorry, need to vent. Nothing I do is ever good enough for him. He has been a good friend over the years, but he is not willing to do anythi...
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I am so naughty. Haven't even posted since the summer. Much colder now. Last post it was 40 degrees, today it didn't even hit 10. Sitting here in sweat pants, sweatshirt, socks and slippers. Brrrrr. Had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. Alex and Deb are lovely people. The whole family is. Damon is a sweetie. Car is fixed and looks good. Had a lovely week off, but back to work tomorrow. Will have to keep up on the blogging. Just not a lot of stuff to talk about these days. Have a great week, my friends. TTFN
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I have to be crazy. It hit 40 c (104 f) today, but I still did my session with the trainer. Of course, we did it indoors with a fan going. Managed about 45 minutes. A good workout. I think I am losing some weight now, and my arms are getting cut. Muscles are showing. So cool. I think only 1 more day of this horrible heat, then we will get back to better temps. Thank goodness. I don't have AC at home, only fans. I am dripping. Oh well, it is summer. Nothing else much happening. Greg moves next week, and I will be helping. We have 2 holidays coming up on the Monday, so I have two 3-day work weeks. Love it. Really love being closed on the Fridays during the summer. Anyhow, hope you have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN
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Had to shave Kayla down some more. Dang, that dog's undercoat is so thick. I took off about another 1/2 inch of fur. It will be better for her though. We will just keep in the shade for a week or so so she doesn't get sunburned. I found a huge hot spot on her chest, very scabby. She was not drying from all the rain we have had. Poor baby. Other than that, not much else happening. The construction is going to be a pain for a while. But at least I have Fridays off. Not doing much this summer. Gas prices have started to go down a bit. Not that I use the car much. $30 for half a tank of gas, I was down to 1/2 a tank. The first time I put gas in for a couple of months. :-) Usually only use it for groceries or bringing Kayla to the canal. Anyhow, have a great rest of the weekend, my friends. TTFN.
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So cute. Decided to shave Kayla down myself as I couldn't get an appointment with the groomer. Took me a bit of time to figure it out, but I did. I didn't do too badly, I think. She will be more comfortable now. The temperatures should start going up soon. Well, this first Friday off is interesting. They have knocked down the old arena and are starting too build the new one. How wonderful, pile driving starting at 7 a.m. 20 yards from my window. I can feel the vibrations coming up through the floor. Making me a little nauseous. Funny part was when I was coming back in with the dog. A car pulls up and a boy jumps out and asks where the pool is. I point to the pile of rubble. Then he asks where the tennis court is. Again I point to the rubble. Obviously not everyone knows about the new arena which won't be in place until next year. LOL. Had my session with Evan this morning. For...
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Well, nice Mother's Day. Spent the day watching movies and reading. Was supposed to train, but the trainer's mother had a serious setback and he had to be at the hospital with her, so I walked with Kayla and made dinner. Greg was at the store today so he couldn't come over. Oh, well. holidays have always been a problem since he turned 18. Always for some reason or another. I know he loves me and I know he will do something later on. At least he called me this morning. Just a little lonely today. Enough brooding. Back to work in the morning. Hope it picks up this week. It has been so quiet there, which makes for long days. Hope you all have a lovely week, my friends. TTFN.
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I have been so lax about writing these days. Bad girl. But I am having so much fun with my FB friends. I am so grateful for them all. Wonderful people. It has been a crazy few weeks with the student strike and everything else going on. It's been kind of boring, actually. Life has been very uneventful lately. Not a lot happening so not much to write about. I hope all my friends are safe and happy. TTFN.
Spring tummy troubles
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OK, This is great, I have a tummy bug, have been eating mainly saltines, and Kayla has a tummy bug. Not surprising with all the crap that is thawing out now. Hate feeling nauseous. Went to work this morning and came home an hour later. Oh, well. Lots of garbage going around right now. Zero degrees today, going up to 19 on Sunday. Has been like this all week, up and down. Anyhow, have a great end of week and weekend, my friends. TTFN
Really lazy!
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Not a lot has been happening. Dang back is still sore more than a week later. I have a feeling it might be a pinched nerve. Things have been quiet though. After the marathon warm spell this week, we are back to freezing temperatures. All the puddles have frozen over. Fell on some ice last night, but luckily I landed on my bum, nicely padded, so I didn't hurt anything. It has been the strangest winter, with lots of warm spells interrupted by REALLY COLD spells. Kayla prefers the cold. I prefer the warm. Next time I get a hairless dog so we agree about the temperature, LOL. Other than that, just waiting for the weekend to start. Have a great weekend, my friends. TTFN
O.K. I have been lazy
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It has been a very mixed month emotionally. Losing Mika, my birthday. What can I say? Sometimes you feel that the world is against you. Then you speak to your friends and everything seems right again. My brother-in-law is a computer genius. I figured I would ask if he had an original disk that I could use on my laptop and try to get it working again. His response? I'm in pain, I can't help you. Fine. First time I asked him for something and he just about bites my head off. Actually second time. He hooked up my hard drive on my desktop. Probably took him all of 10 minutes. Oh, well. What can I say? Such sad news from the Trust this month. They tried so hard, but it was not to be. Poor little souls, rest in peace Lemak and Lumo. Another week of holiday. I don't do well with so much time off and not much to do. Good thing I have a session with the trainer twice a week. Wi...
What the hell!
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O.k. I thought exercise was suppose to make you feel better. Have pulled muscles I didn't know I had. LOL. I love the exercise though. Nothing much going on. Work is dull, home is dull. The temp outside is 3 deg. c. With the heat on in the apartment, it is unbearable. So hot. I had a bath, and within a few minutes, I was sweating all over the place. Hate that. Not much else happening. Things are quiet right now. Have a great week, my friends. TTFN
Not a lot to say.
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Well, the dynamics of the house have certainly changed with Mika not there. Jade (who never got along with her) is coming out more looking for attention. I kind of miss Mika's yowling in the morning, waking me up so I can feed her. Not on the weekends, mind you. I actually get to sleep until 8 now. Weather is not looking good for the next couple of days. A lot of snow, followed by either more snow or rain, they don't know which yet. Hate having rain in winter. Workouts are getting intense, but I really like them. I am going to be so toned. Anyhow, not a lot to say. I am going to get my hair cut in a half hour. Have a great rest of the week, my friends. And hopefully a great weekend. TTFN.
Good bye Mika
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I had to have Mika put down today. She was worse even after the medication. It broke my heart. If only I had the money to have her take the other tests. I couldn't afford for her to have the scans, MRIs etc that might have saved her. As it was, $300 to have her put to sleep. Insane. The barbituate they used probably didn't cost more then $5.00, How can they justify the extra expense. So nearly a thousand dollars and I still lost my cat. Mika held a special place in my heart. I couldn't let her suffer as she was. Good bye my special girl. I love youl TTFN
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Poor Mika. She has been on the medications for a week and they have not helped. If anything, I think she is worse. I really believe she has had a stroke. It is painful to see her trying to walk. She can't even control her tail. She absolutely hates the crate, but everything I read says to keep them crated. I don't think I can let her live like that. She is miserable. Anyhow, have a great weekend, my friends. TTFN
Poor Mika
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Whew, registration period is over. Thank goodness. The first couple of weeks of school are always hell. Now it is done. I finally got the crate fixed so Mika has everything she needs. I came home and her water bowl was full of litter. Obviously it wasn't working the way I had it. Now I think it is good. She is getting better about being in the crate. I let her out to walk around while I clean it. She is not doing much better, but it has only been a couple of days. The articles I have read suggest up to 6 weeks of as little movement as possible. I hope she comes through this. Not going to be a nice evening. Freezing rain expected overnight. At least Greg has the car tonight and I won't have to worry about moving it when the snowplows come by tomorrow. Not much else happening right now, thank goodness. Have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN
Can't stop crying.
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Mika is just breaking my heart. She is such a sweet girl. She is sitting in the crate crying to be let out. I sit beside the crate and pet her, she is all over me. But she wants out, and I have to be careful of her movement. She has always been a lively girl, this must be killing her. $500 to find out htey are not sure what is wrong with her. They are taking a guess and putting her on medication. I hope it works. If not, ...... It has been a hell of a weekend. My worries are for her. I made a chart of her medication as it is so complicated what I have to give her. This will keep me on track. Anyhow, not a lot else happening. I am keeping up with my training. Hopefully it will make me more stronger. Have a great week, my friends. TTFN I am truly sorry for this posting, but I am having a very hard time dealing with this. Mika is sounding so pathetic and I am heartbroken that I can't l...
Life is good
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Had my second "torture" session tonight with the trainer. Didn't do too bad. Actually managed an exercise that he told me a lot of 20 and 30 year olds couldn't do. I am told I am stronger than I think I am. Nice to hear with 56 years looming soon. Greg and Allie are going to look at an apartment this weekend. I hope they get it. It sounds ideal. They are so perfect for each other. They have been talking about baby names. For a girl, they have Margaret as a favorite. I like that. Maggie. A good old fashioned name. Not much going on right now. Saw a student today who wanted me to fix everything for her. But she wouldn't listen to anything I said. How do you help someone like that? Anyhow, tomorrow I have to go get my license and medicare renewed. Hope the driving won't be too bad. Have a great rest of the week my friends. And have a great weekend. TTFN
It never goes away
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Didn't get half of the cleaning I wanted to get done today. I framed and hung my beautiful baby, which was no easy feat. The wall I put him on is cement. Try getting a nail in that. But I did get a lot of little things done. Got the paint out of my locker and touched up the spots on the wall that needed it. Sewed the hem on the sleeve of my pyjamas. Love how when you pull one thread, the whole hem comes down. Wait for meeeeeeeeee! Nadya named this so appropriately. Sweet little pooper. I got my laptop back. Noone was doing anything to fix it so I figured I would try. 9 hours later the disk is still going. If it tells me the disk is not good, I will scream blue murder. Kayla has the runs again. Damn, it seems every couple of weeks she gets them. I don't know what to do anymore. ...
It's over
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Well, the holidays are over for another year. Amazing all the work that goes into them and, snap, they are done. Christmas was about what I expected with Terry there. Not much you can do about people like that. Always has to be one that spoils everything. I still have one more day before I go back to work. Today was actually quite mild. All the ice on my car melted by itself. Love it. I didn't have to scrape. It was very quiet around here today. Allie was sick, so they didn't do much, either. Here's to another year of fighting for the animals. We have a great group, I think it is going to go well. Please, all the gods that be, let this be the year that Ringworm is shut down for good. Have a great week, my friends. TTFN