What's going on with the Health Care system.

Nothing much ever really happens in my life. It is pretty usual and boring, but today topped anything I could have imagined. I am pagan in belief, and I believe in the moon and its effects on people. However this morning I started having my doubts.

I got up and fed the animals. Once I was dressed, I took the dog's leash and started on my walk. I really enjoy the morning walk. Everything is quiet and calm. Where I live there is a park with a wonderful pond. Several ducks have taken to visiting the pond and have been here for about 3 weeks now. However, just as I was entering the park, I passed a young man in his early 30s. I got a few steps away when he started screaming at me. I turned to look at him (big mistake) and he really went into overdrive. I quote "I'm going to kill you in front of your f#$#$^ng dog and then I'm going to kill your f#$^@ng dog!!! You are both a piece of useless s#$t. There were a lot of other swear words used, but you get the gist of the event.

Well, that got my Sunday off to a wonderful start! I found the emergency phone and was connected with the public security in my area. Someone showed up to stay with me until the police arrived. While waiting, I got the advice that I should have called 911. I explained that, seeing as I don't own a cell phone and the nearest connection was to the public security, that was a little difficult, especially as the person who threated to kill me had also threatened to follow me home and kill me there. I understand that this person was mentally ill. But then I am told by the police that I have to make a complaint against this person, otherwise there is nothing they can do, even if they find him. Of course, I made the complaint, otherwise he would do this to others. I am not usually a scaredy-cat, but this freaked me out. If I didn't follow through, he could do this to others. He already had. I know an elderly lady he did it to, but she was too afraid to do anything after. I don't know if it is just women with dogs he is doing it to, but something has to be done.

Anyhow, I feel a little better now that I have had my rant. But where is the health care system in all of this? Why are these nutters on the streets threatening people for no reason? The government cuts back on health care and "mentally challenged" people are walking the streets threatening other people. A community and government should be taking care of all of it's citizens, and I don't see that happening!!!!!


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