It has been a while. Got the dog I wanted. Cian is a real sweetheart, but proving difficult to train. Some things he picks up quickly, others he just ignores me. It has only been 3 months, so I am hoping that he will trust me with time. He is a really good boy, otherwise. However, broke my wrist 2 days after I got him. Thankfully that was after the 10 drive to go get him in the worst storm I have ever driven in. Got the cast removed after 5 weeks, wrist still hurts at times, and it has been 2 months since it was removed. Then Cian pulls me over and I bruise a rib. One of these days I will wake up pain free. LOL. Cassie is getting so big, almost 3 now. Very talkative. Will have her the 2nd week of my vacation. Looking forward to it. Nothing much else happening, thank goodness. TTFN.